Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Me running through the desert trail
  It's rare that I can tell you my long run felt amazing, that I had tons of energy, or that I could've went farther.  But today was an exception.  I was feeling good... and adventurous... so I pushed it to 20!

  I do have to give props to my running partner of the day, Steve.  He suggested the extra miles half-way through our run and we both decided to go for it! That's the great thing about running with a friend sometimes.  You can push each other past your limits and see just how far you can go.

  Where was all my energy coming from?  Maybe it was my overnight oats for breakfast.  Maybe it was the amazing weather... sorry all of you dealing with major snowy and icy conditions, but this is the advantage to living in the desert! But don't ya'll worry... you'll be laughing at me come summertime!

  Besides all of that.. I do believe Steve pushing me was definitely the big factor that helped my run feel so great.  We chatted, fed off each other's competitiveness.  And it made ticking the off the miles that much better.

High-fiving after our run!

 I strongly suggest doing a long run with a friend sometime.  It's great to get out there and tackle those challenges on your own... but if you have a friend willing to pound the pavement with you, go for it!  You'll build a better relationship, it'll help pass the time, and there's no need for a selfie when someone else can take the pic! :D

  After my run, I was starving... as usual.  So I treated myself to some FlapJacked pancakes.  They're  pancakes with extra protein.  Check out the link for more on their product.  I added yogurt and bananas because I didn't want to ruin all my hard work by soaking my pancakes in syrup.
    And I washed it all down with my own protein shake recipe.  It's basically just coconut milk, chocolate protein powder, and mixed frozen fruit (blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries).

  What's your favorite POST long run meal?  Any fun recipes? I'm willing to give them a try!

After I ate all that food.. I made sure to do the one thing that will help anyone recover.  Curled up with my pup for a little dog nap!  :)

Thanks for reading and Happy Running!


  1. I have only done one race (5K back in October) with two co-workers and had a blast! I've been running off and on for 3 years (fair weather runner). I would never have signed up if it wasn't for them pushing me to do it. A 5K was on my bucket list for 2013. It's good to have someone to push and motivate from time to time.

  2. A big group of friends and I are running quite a few races together this year. It's definitely a great motivator and even if everyone is on different levels, it's still great to experience the adventure together! Glad you had someone to do your first 5K with!

  3. Hey! I love your background. Blog looks great! I usually drink coffee & some sort of green smoothie (with protein) after my long runs.

    1. Thanks! And Coffee is always on my list as well. LOL. Thanks for reading and hope you stop by again! Happy Running!

  4. Running with a good friend has always brightened my spirits and seems to make me run better! 20 miles sounds awesome! I've heard of "protein pancakes" but I've never had them...oh and the pictures of the scenery in the desert is beautiful!

    1. The desert is prettier than most people think! Thanks for stopping by Janelle! You can just add muslce milk powder or any protein to your pancake mix for an extra "protein kick". The consistancy will be a little different, but they'll still taste awesome! Come back for another visit soon and Happy Running!

    2. I agree that the desert is very beautiful. I lived in the area for 10 years and since I started running I find places that I didnt know were there. My usual routine was home and work, and grocery shopping on the weekends. Running has open up a lot of things for me, not only great places to run in the desert. Im loving it!! (:

    3. You should definitley check out Dreamy Draw or South Mountain. Those are some of my favorite places to run... so pretty and worth the excuse of running slow to "enjoy the beauty" ;-) lol.

  5. I have been going to South Mountain and I like the trails. I had to get use to running trails, because my ankle was a little weak. It's a good thing I didn't sprain my ankle the first few times. LOL!

    1. South Mountain is definitley one of my favs!!

  6. Protein smoothie all the way - chocolate protein powder, yogurt, milk & raspberries!!!

    I think I'm going to have to join a running club. I don't know anyone in real life who is a runner!!!

    1. Protein smoothies are sooooo good! I probably eat them when I don't even need them. LOL.

      And YES!!! Absolutley join a group. You'll be surprised how inspired you'll be come and how much fun you'll have!


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