#RunEatTweetAZ Climbs Camelback

Another great time with running group with a blogging problem... #RunEatTweetAZ!

We set out to hike the tough route at Camelback Mountain, the Echo Canyon Trail.  We would have loved to see the sunrise while up on the mountain... but we hit a small snag.  Apparently they don't open up the park/parking lot until sunrise!

So we sat in a long line of cars full of people in the same boat, waiting for the lot to open ad we could start sweating our way up the mountain!
sunrise from the car
Finally, the park opened up and we all got in and were more than ready to start our hike!

It's not a very technical trail, per se, but it is VERY steep.  We had to hold onto railings at in some spots!  It's only a 1.2 mile climb to the top, but you're also climbing over 1200ft in that short amount of time... so needless to say, it's quite the workout! But the views are worth the extra effort!

We chatted it up... on everything from upcoming races to advice on blogs.  And of course, there was LOTS of picture taking and epic group selfies! :)

All in all, another great adventure with some amazing Arizona runners.  I'm so happy to meet each and every one of them!

Stay tuned for the announcement on our next meet-up... we'll be participating in a virtual 5K that YOU can do even if you're not in AZ!  It's going towards a great cause too.  I'll have a full post with all the details soon.

In the meantime, who ran this weekend or had a race? How'd it go? Give your workout shoutout in the comments below! 


  1. You need a like button!!!
    I ran 23kms - furtherest distance ever.......on my way to 1st marathon in October :-) Went well, beautiful calm winters day in Melbourne Australia - the sun even came out for a bit :-)

    1. On your way to awesomeness! Can't wait to hear how it goes! And I'll see about re-designing with a "like button". ;-)

  2. Great recap of such a fun day. :) Glad we got to talk about all the stats and stuff. Some find it boring? WHAT?!

    1. (It never let's me post comments from my WordPress account! Just Google! haha)


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