#RunEatTweetAZ Runs for Courtney

Yesterday my running group, #RunEatTweetAZ, joined forces to help a local girl fight cancer!  We signed up for a Virtual 5K and ran it together.  Was tons of fun!

But the cool thing is that our little 5K run actually HELPED someone.  We weren't just getting out and being active, we were helping a young high school student in her battle against cancer!  It was a very heart-warming, and emotional run.

And the cool thing is? Even though you may be miles away, or right down the road, YOU can help too!  The Virtual 5K Run for Courtney is going on throughout August.  That meas, you can sign up, go for a 3.1 Mile run anytime, anywhere, and you're run will have helped Courtney and her family!

Plus look at these awesome medals!

Fellow #RunEatTweetAZ member Traci, is the one who's organized this Virtual 5K.  I highly recommend you check it out, and sign up!  Make your miles count!

The Brains and Braun behind the operation
Check it all out HERE: http://tracicook41.wix.com/teamcourtney


  1. I want a shot at that monopod next time! =)

    1. Sure thing Shane! I'll let ya take a stab at it! :)

    2. I'm sure it will be less blurry than my shot! hahaha

  2. So excited you guys got together for Courtney's run, just bummed that I missed it for being out of town!! I'll definitely make up Courtney's run another time this month!! Looking forward to seeing you all in September!! :)

    1. We missed ya on the run, but glad that you'll still participating in the virtual 5k b/c ultimately that's what it's all about! :) keep up the awesomeness!

  3. Love this! So far this group has been UHmazing. You're the best Jeremy!

    1. Thanks Helly! We missed you on the run! 2 chances to make up for it in Sept! ;-)

  4. The monopod is AWESOME, for cell or GoPro! And you can do the virtual 5K too! Open to anyone, anytime, anywhere in aug! :)


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