La Jolla Half Marathon Training Recap

Disclaimer: I received a free entry into the La Jolla Half Marathon to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Next weekend I'll be embarking on an awesome race-cation with friends to the La Jolla Half Marathon! I'm super excited for this trip (you can read more about the upcoming adventure HERE), but lately I've hit a serious training snag.

The dreaded word every runner hates: Tendonitis! (Noooooo!!!)

I know. I know. It sucks. I've dealt with it before. Just have to rest and take all the necessary precautions to make sure I'm fresh, ready, and healed when I reach the starting line next weekend.

I've been dry needling at PT, popping anti-inflammatories like pez, stretching, rolling, icing and worst of all.. haven't been running much the last two weeks. (Screams again). It's the worst feeling knowing you have a race coming up and that you have to listen to your body and let it heal.

I've gotten in some small runs here and there. And been cycling to keep my endurance up. But I have that screaming voice inside me still yelling "you need to ruuuuunnn!"

If you have any trade secrets to beating tendonitis fast, I'm all ears! I have another PT session this week and hope to finally get a really long run in this weekend. Fingers crossed, because this is one race I don't want to miss!

It's not because it's my birthday weekend race. But also just the sheer excitement I've had building up to this race. The La Jolla Half Marathon has literally everything I could want in a race-cation:

  • coastal views
  • ocean side finish
  • beer, chips & guac at the finish
  • sweet swag
  • (read my full breakdown of the La Jolla Half Marathon HERE)
The hills are the only thing that have me worried. But I'm aggressively treating my tendonitis and am staying positive that I'll be ready to tackle this awesome course. 

Also, quick it strange that I've come to love hills? I mean, it's a love/hate relationship, but I've gotten to wear a hilly course makes me feel more accomplished at the finish. Although it's probably all the hills that have caused all my tendonitis.. among other things. 
Meanwhile, I'm not going to let this get me down and stop me from enjoying the La Jolla Half Marathon. To further the excitement, if you've been on the fence about joining me, you can use code "BIBRAVE20" for 20% OFF! 

Keep an eye on my Instagram next weekend (April 21-23) for all the race posts, pics, stories, and more from this event. If you are going to be at the La Jolla Half Marathon, drop me a note so we can plan to find each other!


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