Chasing My First Spartan Trifecta

Earlier this year I got my first taste of the Spartan/OCR world. (Read my Spartan AZ Race Report Here) It was tough, it was challenging, and I knew I wanted more.

I ran the Super in AZ, and to complete my "Trifecta"--all three race distances in one year--I will have to do both the Beast (half-marathon distance) AND the Sprint (5k distance) back to back. So that's the game plan for Spartan Colorado in just a few weeks! It's going to be quite the challenge, and I've been training hard to prepare the best I can.

The one thing I've learned about Spartan training is you never know what to expect at your event! Training for a marathon (or half marathon) is different--you can always check out the elevation chart and know where the hills are, how challenging of a course it will be, and be completely prepared as long as you train hard.

With OCR training, you can work hard and be prepared for a number of different obstacles and techniques, but there's always a new obstacle, or new "configuration" of obstacles that will test your limits to their max. Sure, you can do the monkey bars--but can you do them upside down over water?! Yeah, you're great at the bucket carry--but how good are you at carrying those rocks UP A SKI SLOPE?

It makes training for a Spartan in itself a mental game. Thankfully, I've been hitting my local OCR gym, FITNESS 5, rather hard the last few months. There, the workouts are never the same and always tough. I've wanted to throw up and/or cry during a few of these crazy workouts. But believe it or not, the intense workouts are what what I need to be prepared for what will be thrown our way at the race! 

(short clip of me working on grip strength and traversing on the rig... harder than it looks!)

In addition to the FITNESS 5 workouts, I've been hitting the trails and running local routes with some serious climbing. The Spartan Colorado course is going to be a heck of a lot of climbing and I want to be as ready as I can.

So why do I do it? It's a brand new challenge for me. I've wanted to increase my strength and endurance, but tough to do by just running. And only lifting weights is both boring and monotonous to me. I'm always unmotivated to just lift. Spartan training has giving me an excuse to work on both simultaneously.

It's also something Jason and I enjoy doing together. Of course, he's much better at it than I am... but that's quite alright. As long we're both working hard, pushing our boundaries, and pigging out in front of the TV together afterwards (b/c it's totally warranted, right?!)

Speaking of, that's one thing I've noticed through intense training: I'm *always* hungry. Weekend Warrior status comes with a price--constant hunger. My diet is one thing I'm still working on fine-tuning right now with InsideTracker (more on that to come soon).

One change I've tried to make is watching how much sugar I'm consuming and focusing on snacks and foods with less sugar. My body appreciates it, but my sweet tooth, not so much. Slowly but surely I hope to get my proper training and diet nailed down to personal perfection. But isn't that what we're all struggling with these days?

Nevertheless, I feel more prepared now than I was for my first Spartan event. I can get the rope climb down no problem now at least! And I'm a little stronger, and a little better. I may not feel 100% ready, but that's just the nature of the Beast (pun intended). The only left is to finish up these last few weeks of training, arrive at the start line, and give it my all!

Have YOU ever ran a Spartan Beast? What tips or tricks do you have for getting mentally and physically ready? 


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