My Favorite Gear Holiday Giveaway

For me, the holidays are all about giving. A chance to give back to my friends and family, thanking them for being there for me. I wish I had the funds to give EVERYONE in my life a gift this holiday. But it doesn't always pan out that way.

What I CAN do is give back to YOU, my social followers, who inspire me on a daily basis and help motivate me when I need it most! I'm excited to announce My Favorite Gear Holiday Giveaway
I've partnered up with some amazing brands for an epic set of giveaways ALL DECEMBER LONG! I sought these brands out specifically because their gear is something I use all the time with training. And I wanted to share my love for these brands with you!

Plus, if you're wondering what to get that runner on your shopping list (or what to treat yourself to for the holiday), I'll be providing all the reasons this gear is my favorite. A holiday shopping guide and giveaway rolled into one each day! 

So, I will be hosting an awesome giveaway right here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday beginning December 1st through December 20th

Here's all the brands I'm thankful to be partnering with. Each has generously provided some sweet gifts for you to have a chance to win. 

You'll enter via rafflecopter widgets for each individual giveaway (located at the bottom of each blog post). Specific giveaway announcements and winner announcements will be posted on my Instagram page. Be sure to follow my page for each announcement or check back here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Winners will be first notified by the email you use to enter on rafflecopter, so make sure it's one you check regularly! 

My first giveaway kicks off THIS FRIDAY on Dec. 1st, so check back here for the first of many more chances to win! 

I feel like Santa and I can't wait to kick this off. It's going to be an EPIC holiday giveaway, so stay tuned for the holiday fun!


  1. How fun!! Its the most wonderful time of the year! :)

  2. Thanks! Come back by starting this Friday for the fun! :) Love this time of year.


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