Holiday Hydration Giveaway: Nuun Prize Package

It's probably no surprise when I tell you I LOVE Nuun Hydration. I'm constantly popping open tubes, plopping tablets in my water bottles, and always boasting about them to friends. So it's only natural that they be included on My Favorite Gear Holiday Giveaway!

One winner will receive a Nuun Prize package. Just enter through the Rafflecopter widget below.

But first... I gotta tell you WHY I love Nuun Hydration so much. And why I believe Nuun makes the perfect holiday gift--from stocking stuffer to christmas package! 

Nuun Electrolytes
These portable tubes of awesomeness come in a variety of flavors, and are packed with the essential electrolytes and clean ingredients you need when staying active.

I toss a tablet in a glass of water right before a long run to hydrate well ahead of time. And I also put some in my bottle for while I'm on the run. It keeps me pushing harder for longer, delays muscle cramps and I rarely have stomach issues now!

Each tablet contains:
sodium: 360 mg
potassium: 100 mg
magnesium: 25 mg
calcium: 13 mg
vitamin C: 38 mg
10 calories
1 g of sugar

what makes Nuun "clean":
  • plant based sweetener monk fruit and a touch of stevia leaf extract to provide a light sweetness that's not overbearing 
  • non-gmo sourced dextrose to increase the speed of absorption so you can hydrate faster
  • avocado oil for clean plant-based production
  • some flavors that contain 40mg of caffeine get it from green tea extract

My personal favorite Nuun flavors are: Cherry Limeade, Watermelon, Lemon Lime, and Strawberry Lemondade.

Nuun Vitamins
For the in-between! When you're recovering, sitting at work, or anytime you're not in the middle of a a run, bike, hike, etc. The Nuun Vitamins contain 11 vitamins and minerals most of us don't get enough of.  Plus electrolytes to keep us hydrated and recovery better and faster.

Several flavors to choose from on these and each tablet contains Vitamin A, Folic Acid and B6, Vitamin C,  Vitamin E, and Vitamin D, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Chloride.

I drink a tablet in water with dinner either after a long run or on recover days. They're also great to just have around your office when you want to add something to your water to give it flavor--all while staying hydrated and ready for your next active adventure!

I personally love the Blackberry Citrus and the Grapefruit Orange flavors (although all of them are fantastic!)

Nuun Performance
Nuun Performance is for those long runs/rides/challenges. Anything over 1.5 hours. Think marathon training, etc. Currently I'm training for my first ultra and going through quite a lot of Nuun Performance.

This product comes in powder form and contains the perfect balance of electrolytes and carbs. I say "perfect balance" because the team at Nuun spent a lot of time coming up with the right amount needed to keep everyone from elites to the average long-runner going. I toss some in a bottle or even bladder and use it as fuel on the run. I still take gels and chews with me, but when I'm using Nuun Performance I don't have to rely on them as much and my stomach thanks me for it!

I love both the Mango and the Blueberry Strawberry flavor. If you're a distance runner, cyclist, or out being active for extended periods of time, I highly recommend checking out the Nuun Performance!

One(1) winner will receive one Nuun Prize Package (MSRP: ~$76.00) consisting of:
AND Winner's Choice of either
Enter via the rafflecopter form below! 

Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. (US Residents ONLY!) You can also view the Terms and Conditions listed on Rafflecopter.

Please note, all requirements listed per entry will be verified. Entries will end for this giveaway on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 11:59pm(PDT).

Winners will be selected randomly and notified by email on December 11th and have 48 hours to respond before another winner will be selected. Please note, the email used to notify you will be the one you used to enter via Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Cherry Limeade, with watermelon a close second

    1. Cherry Limeade is definitely top of my list! :)

  2. I love the Strawberry Lemonade.

  3. I have a couple of faves but my newest favorite is mango orange. Yum.

    1. Right? I totally wasn't expecting to love that flavor but it's like orange juice. Perfect in the morning! :)

  4. I like Cherry Limeade too! And wildberry. In fact, I'm drinking them both now, combined. lol

  5. Have you tried the vitamin flavors hot? I love ginger lemonade hot, ahve it every day with lunch during the winter and have heard that blackberry citrus is good hot as well.

  6. I love the strawberry lemonade flavor!

  7. REVIVAL Rapid Rehydration: Electrolytes, Vitamins, Minerals - From BBC's "THE APPRENTICE" - Orange 12 Pack: Health & Personal Care
    hydration tablets


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