Meals for the Miles
  18 miles tomorrow!  I'm not dreading it too much because I'll be running with a friend, and I'm excited to start getting back into the marathon mileage full swing.  But these long runs take some fine-tuned routine.

  Part of my routine that a lot of people ask me about is what I EAT before a long run.  Some runners just grab a banana or toast and head out the door.  I, on the other hand, prefer to have a decent breakfast before I tackle heavy mileage.  That... and I run so I can eat... if I don't eat enough before my long run, about 12 miles in all I can think about is pizza... fries... burgers...

  Of course, I don't want to eat so much that I'm too full before my run, so I have to find the right balance.  One meal that I've just started making and am really enjoying is "overnight oats".  It's basically just letting oatmeal "soak" overnight in a container (usually something like a mason jar) and it's ready for you when you wake up!

 The recipe is really simple.
One part oats to one part milk/almond milk/coconut milk.  Today I made mine with a little cinnamon, banana, honey, and a little yogurt.

What I really like about overnight oats is you can add tons of different things to it for variety.  Throw in your favorite fruit, nuts, pretty much whatever you want!  Here's a great article from Buzz Feed on some great ideas to really change them up.

  I'm off to bed to get plenty of sleep! I'll be sure to update you on tomorrow's run!

Let me know what YOUR favorite breakfast is before a big run! I'd love to try out some new meals! I'll leave you with this "motivational" poster!  Happy running everyone!


  1. Favourite pre-long run breakie: oatmeal with almond butter stirred in and a sliced banana on top.

    1. awesome! I'll have to give that one a try! Thanks Karin! Happy Running!

  2. Hey! I just found your blog via the Fit Possible Facebook community! Welcome to the group! Had to say that that "motivational" poster seriously made me crack up. Oh dear...anyway lovely to meet you and happy running!

    1. Thanks! I'll be sure to keep bringing everyone more "motivation". Lol thanks for stopping by! Glad to be a part of the "I'm Fit Possible" team! Stop by again and Happy Running!

  3. You can't go wrong with oatmeal before a long run! Here is one my favorites ESPECIALLY in the winter.

    1. You're absolutley right! and I'll go check it out now, thanks!

  4. 1/2 a multigrain muffin topped with as much almond/cashew/brazil nut butter as I can fit on top with a decent layer of honey or lately home made plum jam on top. Sticks to the roof of your mouth a bit, but oh so good :-)


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