Grand Canyon Gear

I'm heading out to the Grand Canyon tomorrow!  We will not just be visiting this beauty of nature, we'll be running it!  Well, we'll be running DOWN the trail, and running/hiking back up.  Still a crazy challenge but I'm ready to tackle it!

A lot of people ask what sort of "gear" I bring a long on trips like this.  We're camping so, of course, I'll have the camping essentials (tent, sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, clothes, etc).  But besides all that, for the big 20+ mile run, I've packed my favorites. 

Cocogo: for hydration before/during/after
GU: fuel for when I need it during the run
PocketFuel: the cold brew coffee shots for before, and the nut butter blend for energy during
ProCrompression: for recovery afterwards (my calves already hurt just thinking about whats ahead)
Brooks ASR: Trail shoes for the tough terrain
Nathan Hydration Vest: to carry all of my gear in while on the run! 

Sounds like a lot but on a challenging adventure like this, I like to be extra prepared! Of course, I'll wear light weight clothing for the run, and bring warm clothing for night time (it's going to be cold!). 

And then there's the marshmallows because, come on, you can't camp with out marshmallows!!

This is going to be one amazing adventure and I can't wait to share all the pics and the experience with you!  So stay tuned for all the awesomeness!


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