Throwing in the Towel

So I've came to one of the hardest decisions I've made thus far as a runner.  I won't be running my race next weekend. I'm  throwing in the towel... or Race Bib if you will.

What's worse, is it would have been my first International Race too!  My friends and I are all travelling to Montreal for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon next weekend.  That only makes things worse.  Everyone will be running. I'll be on the sidelines.

What brought me to this decision?  My injury has really set me back.  But I learned my lesson running the San Francisco Marathon despite the injury.  So although I'm slowly on the mend, I do not want to push it.  I'd rather give up one race, than have to give up several more down the road.

It's not easy.  But I'm trying to keep a positive attitude.  After all, being a spectator and cheering is important too.  It's what helps push runners when they need it most! And I won't have to worry about being sore the whole  time on my vacation.  And won't be stressed about reaching a PR goal.

Nevertheless, despite my efforts to maintain a positive attitude, the runner in me is devastated. The only thing I can do is focus on the bigger picture.  I hope to make a strong comeback.  And the only way to do that is to make some sacrifices along the way.

Now I need YOUR help!  What's the funniest or most creative spectator sign you've seen while running a race? I need some ideas so I can cheer on my friends! Share your suggestions with me below!


  1. I am proud of you! Good choice. Long term gain v short term loss.

    My favorite sign is WTF?! Where's the Finish?

  2. Sorry to hear that you won't be able to run the race Jeremy! But I think it's great that you made this decision so that like you said you won't have to miss several more races down the road.
    How about this sign: "Pain is temporary! Posting on Facebook is FOREVER!" LOL

    1. Hahaha good one Kristin! May have to steal that!

    2. Hahaha go for it!! It's so applicable for our #RunEatTweetAZ group lol!

  3. Bummer you're missing the race, but you have to look after yourself!!!!

    "if found on the ground, please drag over the finishing line" & "I thought they said RUM"

  4. Doing the smart thing totally sucks sometimes! Stay strong bruddah, enjoy your vacation! It's so funny how difficult it is for runners to take care of themselves, I hope you are mending well.

    I can never remember funny signs at races, but I saw a guy offering cigarettes to runners on the sidelines of R'n'R Seattle...I know it's totally awful and tacky, but I thought it was hilarious at the time.

    1. Maybe I'll buy a bunch of candy and pass that out. That'd be acceptable right?? lol

  5. Doing the right thing can feel like a hollow victory, maybe because you don't really notice how much better off you are in the long run when you take care of yourself.
    Sorry to hear you're having to make that decision, but good on you.
    One sign that stood out to me had the cost of the race entry divided by which mile they were standing at = $left to go. It was pretty funny.

    1. Nice one! And thanks, it's tough but I'll pull through in the long run!

  6. Good move! Tough, but def the right thing to do

  7. You made the right choice, even though it was very hard. This just gives you an excuse to plan another international race right? :)
    Your friends will definitely appreciate the race support!
    Fav race sign is "Run Faster!!! Zombies Hate Fast Food!"

  8. Best to take care of yourself than do further damage. I too have had to learn the hard way. Hang in there!

  9. Sounds like you're making the best decision--your body knows best! Hope you have a nice trip!

  10. Total bummer, but you don't want to risk further injury. Chin up! There will be other races, and you'll rock those injury-free ;-)

    favorite sign? I saw one that said,"You paid to do this!"

  11. I wish I could make that decision. I am moving along on this Plantar Fasciitis as if nothing is wrong, with plans to run my half marathon in 2 weeks. You are stronger than I am. It's the right decision.

  12. Thanks for the support everyone! Full review of how hard it was to keep a positive attitude coming soon. (but don't worry, I grinned and bared it!)


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