RnR Vegas Adventure

Lots of fun planned for this weekend!  I'll be running the Rock n Roll Las Vegas Half-Marathon, and planning on meeting tons of running buds along the way!

Some social media pals and I are organizing a social meet up for before the race, on Saturday at 8pm at the Bellagio.  It's always fun to meet people you follow and chat with via Twitter/Instagram/etc. in real life. Especially when you're about to embark on an awesome adventure together!

I've never done the RnR in Vegas, but am super excited about running the Strip at Night! I'm also planning on doing something a little different this time around.  You may remember my 13.1 Selfies with my sister at Rock and Roll Denver... well since I'm not running for time (due to slow comeback from injury) I want to take a selfie with a stranger at every mile! Best way to meet new people and make new friends right? That's what I love about these races, so many runners to meet and share stories with!

So if you're headed out to the race this weekend, come on by the Bellagio for our social meet-up if you can. And definitely look for me out on the course.  I hope we can take a "runfie" together!

Not running Rock n Roll Vegas?  No worries, I'll bring you a full race review and all the awesome pics so you can join in on the adventure with me! Can't wait!


  1. How fun! Love your runfies. Let's take one together at Phoenix!

  2. Ahhh! I am so jealous that I am not going! There are so many awesome people going and you're going to have a ton of fun meeting them! Can't wait for the runfies with strangers! :)


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