Seeking a New Running Buddy

So I'm looking for a new running buddy.  They should be fast. 
They need to love running.  
And they should be furry.....and about 30lbs.

That's right, I'm looking to bring another pup into our family! Why? Isn't our lovable Janie enough?
Well, it's actually for HER that we've made the decision to take the "leap" and get another dog.

Janie loves to run, she loves to be active ALL the time. But when my partner and I go to work....she becomes a wreck.  Does all she can to come with us. And despite our best efforts for over a year, we just can't break her separation anxiety.  And it only continues to get worse.

She needs a sibling to keep her company while we're gone. So we're beginning our search at local shelters. But it's not a decision we want to take lightly.  We want to find the perfect match for both Janie and us. A new pup she can play with and one we can bring along on hikes and runs.

This is our first time looking at shelters.  Janie was a stray, dodging traffic downtown when we found her. It was just chance that we found her and fell in love with her. So this journey is a whole new ballgame for us.

It's going to take some time, I know. But I hope that by Christmas time we will have a new addition to our family. So stay tuned!

Question: Have YOU adopted from a shelter before? How did you know when you'd found the right one?


  1. The first dog I got, I went to the shelter. I knew she was the right one, as I walked through the kennels, she couldn't stop jumping when I walked past. It was one of the best decisions I have made. That dog has since passed, but now have 2 rescues, who are best buds. Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to have that same experience. But I'm so sorry to hear she has passed. I can't bare to think of losing my baby girl! But I am looking forward to having a new buddy for her so she won't be so upset all the time.

  2. oh good luck!!!!! poor Janie!!! I want a dog to run with too, but where we live is not so practicable for a pooch at the moment. but soon :-)

  3. I LOVE that you rescue dogs! My two dogs have been shelter dogs and I just rescued/adopted a stray cat this past summer. Good for you!

  4. We adopted our chihuahua from a local shelter. When we originally went in and looked, they didn't have any small dogs. We ended up putting our name on a list with a description of what we were looking for and about a month later they called us and we brought her home! Good luck! Can't wait to see the new addition to your family!

  5. That's exciting!! Good luck adopting a new puppy friend for Janie!!! :)

  6. That's great! We found it very beneficial for us AND our other dog to add another to our family. They are best buds and I love them to death. It's really sweet how they interact with one another. Good luck on your search :)


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