That Time I Won the Running Lottery

After months of stress, injury, and wondering when/where my next race would be... the pieces all fall together by chance! I basically feel like I've won the running lottery!

The last few days have been a whirlwind of good fortune! As part of my involvement with Team Nuun, I received the opportunity to fill some empty slots on their team for Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back!
                                                 CHECK OUT THESE VIEWS!  
Courtesy: Facebook/RagnarRelaySeries 
Courtesy: Facebook/RagnarRelaySeries 
Courtesy: Facebook/RagnarRelaySeries 
I've been eager to run a Ragnar this year, and Wasatch Back is a coveted one. I am absolutely THRILLED to be joining some amazing runners on #TeamNuun on this adventure. And you know I will be taking and posting throughout the entire adventure. :) Check out my previous Ragnar adventures: Ragnar Trail Snowmass, and Ragnar Relay So Cal. 

Then, literally not even 24 hours later... I received a Facebook notification that I'd WON a FREE entry into the Top of Zion Relay

Unfortunately, it's the very weekend before Ragnar Wasatch Back. So I've had to turn that one down. 

But hey, it's a good problem to have right? Nevertheless, it seems fate has decided my next race for me!

Now, besides my good luck with races entries... I've signed up for online coaching with SweatTracker through my run group #RunEatTweetAZ. Why? Well I've had great success in creating my own workout schedules... but keeping to the key workouts like hill work and speed work... I've failed to hold myself accountable. Having an online coach to light a fire under me is just what I need right now. And it looks like it came along just in time! Stay tuned on a full report on if it works out... and I'll also be sharing some discounts if you decide you would like to have an online running coach as well! 

As if that's not enough excitement right now... the run group I founded and previously mentioned, #RunEatTweetAZ, has really been taking off! We have a great run sponsored by Nuun this Saturday. It looks to be a huge event and I've had so much fun planning it. If you're in Arizona this weekend and free, you should come run with us! I'd love to meet you and run with you. EVENT DETAILS.

It's amazing! It's a lot of work but I love every single minute of it.  #RunEatTweetAZ has helped me really focus on my passion and will hopefully give me the skills and connections I need to make it a career down the road. :) 

So things are looking up! The year had a rough start, but the rest of 2015 looks to be one heck of a year. I hope you'll join me for the journey, and share your experiences with me as well. Until then... I wish you Swift Feet and Happy Running! 


  1. Amazing! You're going to have an awesome time with #TeamNuun-I'm sad I couldn't throw my name in the hat for Wasatch. And holy moly congrats on Zion!

    1. Lauren, I can't wait for Wasatch! And hope maybe one day we'll run a race together. :) Meanwhile, unfortunately I won't be able to run Zion... but that's okay. There's always next year. And I'm sure giving the free entry to some other contest participant will make their day. So it's all good. :)

  2. Excellent news! Glad things are on the up for you!!

  3. Yay very exciting stuff! I'm so glad that I can go on this journey with you and the #RunEatTweetAZ gang!!! 2015 has been rough for me too with injuries but I'm hopeful that the 2nd half of 2015 will be much better!!
    Looking forward to the Nuun run on Saturday!

  4. Congrats! That is amazing. I would like to take part as well. Can please update about the upcoming lottery tour or share the link?


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