Weekend Warrior Status

Now that my stomach issues are on the mend, my tendonitis at bay (for now), and a few big challenges looming closer...I've been doubling down on training!

So here's what I've got coming up:

I'm sure I'll work in even more, but I have some lofty goals for most if not all of these events. And it's going to take more than just running miles to get ready for them! So I've been working in my two-a-days with both strength training at FITNESS 5, cycling sessions at CycleBar, and the normal running. 

I've been grateful to have Jason at my side for most of my training. It really helps to have a training partner that's also working towards some similar goals. He's also been extremely supportive of me on becoming a CycleBar instructor. Should be on the official schedule soon! :) 

Although I've definitely been ramping up my "Weekend Warrior" status, after this weekends half marathon, I'm going to start ramping up my weekly routine as well! Lots of two-a-days ahead. The biggest thing for me will be nutrition. 

I hope to improve my strength, become less injury prone, and work on my endurance all at the same time. Like I said... lofty goals! 

Besides these goals, I want to pick back up on blogging more often. So I'll be more about my specific workouts and nutrition plans in the summer months to come. Hoping to see some big transformations along the way. Can't wait to share the challenges and adventures ahead! 


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