
Hello Blogosphere!
   Where do we start?  I guess I'll begin with the confession that I'm not by any means a professional athlete.  I'm more of what you'd call a "seasoned" runner.  A veteran of many races with tons of war stories, yet still a newbie compared to others.
   I can't offer tricks to get faster.  I can't offer a secret recipe to lose weight (I enjoy eating too much for that). But what I can offer you is my own personal stories that will at least entertain you...
and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a little inspiration from them.

   So what great words of wisdom do I have to share?  First off... hmm... how about just that, "Firsts".
My whole running history is nothing but a list of firsts.  First 5K, first 10K, first Half-Marathon, first injury... We runners tackle each challenge and then move on to the next goal.
  Ten years after my first 5K, I now feel ready to tackle my first ultra marathon (not counting my ultra Ragnar Relay).  People say "that's just crazy."  And I just reply with, "it sure is!"
   For some reason the word "crazy" doesn't sink in as an insult to a runner... instead that word just makes us beam with pride and grin stupidly from ear to ear.  Of course, that sounds like someone who's in fact..actually crazy... but I digress.
   Of course, it's not all about first distance or first time achieving a personal best.  Sometimes it's about the first BAD experiences.... like my first time carb-loading at a Mexican restaurant.  Which, of course, led to my first pre-race "runs".  (warning: be prepared for lots of poop related puns in the future.)
   There was the first time I got lost in the desert while out on a run, first time dealing with chafing... and my first time asking for a ride home from a stranger after an injury stranded me 8 miles from home. The list goes on but these "firsts"are just another notch in my runners belt.
   Author, runner and blogger, Mark Remy once said, "if you never have a 'bad' day, you're probably doing something wrong; if you never had a 'good' day, you're definitely doing something wrong."
  And then there's the firsts that don't fall under any category.  When the majority of your free time is spent outdoors running around neighborhoods or parks... chances are, you're going to run into a lot of weird stuff.  I once ran by a guy wearing a kilt and playing a bagpipe.

                                                                        image courtesy:

   The stranger's Scottish tunes serenaded me for two loops around a lake.  I half expected the ole Loch Ness monster to rise from the foggy waters, but alas, the only other surprise I got was when the wind kicked up his kilt and I realized this guy was definitely going commando. Nonetheless, it was the first fun/weird running story I got to tell.
  Even though I've had my fair share, I'm still looking forward to a year full of many more firsts.  And keeping up with this blog will definitely be a big first!  I hope to not only share some fun stories with you, or some inspiring ones, but to also be motivated myself to continue pounding the pavement.
  So whether it's your first race, first time tackling a longer distance, or just first time experiencing the pain of bloody nipples (that one's a true milestone)... here's to wishing you the best at YOUR year of firsts!  And as you contemplate what firsts 2014 will bring, why not help yourself to some holiday meal seconds. ;-)

Merry Christmas and thanks for reading!


  1. Jeremy, I am so thrilled that you have started a blog! I am excited to hear about your runs. Not only are your accounts funny, they are extremely inspiring. I can’t remember the details but I do remember nagging you to do a race…… A long time ago I started doing a few 5k’s in Louisiana and I told you that you would be a great at it. I LOVE being right! Whether or not I get the credit for pushing you to start running, I am proud of you for starting and continuing your consistent running lifestyle. It is always something I wanted and even though I did NOT complete my dream of running my first marathon by 30 maybe your running blog can help motivate me to run one by 40!

    1. Thanks! I will continue to update when I can, and will keep you posted. Hopefully I can inspire many more out there too!

  2. I just realized that "I am excited to hear about your runs" could be taken in a different context.....I am excited to hear about your adventures while running BUT I don't mind hearing about your poop issues...they make me laugh!

    1. oh there will be plenty of poop issues ahead I'm sure of it! lol. :)

  3. Love this, Jeremy! I'm just starting to read now ;)

    1. So glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for reading and hopefully I can continue to keep you entertained in 2014!! Happy Running!

  4. Hi Jeremy, stumbled across your blog recently & am enjoying your blog so much I'm going to start from the beginning!!! :-)

    1. Yay! Thanks for reading! Glad to have you! I'll do my best to keep you entertained. :D

  5. My first this year will be a HUGE first...leaving my cozy, toasty AZ and moving all the way to the east coast...Portland, Maine. I'm scared of the cold but am excited for the adventure. Way to go on the blogging this year.


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