The ULTRA Odds Just Aren't In My Favor!

My big plans for my first Ultra in March have crumbled.  The odds just aren't in my favor! However, I'm not letting that get me down.  My Ultra Marathon Journey still continues!
I'm trying to make 2015 all about listening to my body.  I need to train SMART and injury-free this year! So after my recent race, I realized I'm just NOT where I need to be training-wise for this Ultra.

Running my half I realized I had been pushing too many miles, too many hills, all too soon after already being sidelined from injury. My legs were heavy. New pain was popping up in new spots... my body was telling me to back off. And the final straw that pushed it all over the edge?

I've spend the last couple of days dealing with a massive head cold.  I tried running... but barely made it out the door.
This Ultra is in March and is NOT one to play around with! So I made the tough, but rational decision to DNS. For all you fellow runners out there you KNOW how rough a decision like that is. I weighed all the options. I teared up a bit. But ultimately it is the right decision.

Because it's not a decision made from "cold feet"... I feel oddly comfortable with it.  Regardless I *WILL* still complete my first Ultra this year!  I'm not stopping running. I'm not admitting defeat. I'm just delaying the celebration and extending my journey!

I'm looking at a few local Ultras that take place in the summer. The Aravaipa Running night runs. It'll take some slight tweaking to my training schedule, however, I feel by moving my Ultra back.. I can run my race stress-free and enjoy it! And most of all, I'll be able to celebrate my victory even more.

And don't be fooled Crown King Scramble 50K. I'm coming back for you in 2016! :)

Now tell me... have YOU ever had to step down from a race because you know it was the RIGHT decision? How about ever running a race that looking back you know you shouldn't have? 


  1. I'm so proud that you made the tough but right call! #blestiesforever

  2. Oh no! So sorry to hear that! I think you are doing the smart thing though. I have never stepped down from a race, but looking back, I should have DNS my 50K. My body was screaming at me for rest and I didn't listen. I know it's tough, but you really made the smart choice here and you should be proud of yourself for that! *Hugs* :)

    1. Thanks for the virtual Hugs! :) It'll be alright, I'll still get my 50k under my belt this year!!

  3. I don't have very many races under my belt Jeremy, but I can tell you 'listening to your body' is not my strong suit. I am stubborn and always think pushing myself is going to get me through it. This latest injury has made me appreciate why it's so important to listen to my body and recover properly.
    I have a lot of respect for you coming to this decision and I know you'll be stronger as a result. Can't wait to see you bring it!

  4. After this weekend's race, I also got a head cold. But I was able to run indoors. It is important to listen to ur body to avoid injury but sometimes we don't always listen. It would be a hard decision to not run a race but healing is better than not running ever again because of an injury that can be avoided. There are always races out there so heal well.

  5. After this weekend's race, I also got a head cold. But I was able to run indoors. It is important to listen to ur body to avoid injury but sometimes we don't always listen. It would be a hard decision to not run a race but healing is better than not running ever again because of an injury that can be avoided. There are always races out there so heal well.

  6. Bummer about the DNS, BUT you definitely made the right decision. Heal up, get strong, and then take your next ultra by storm!

  7. Sorry to hear that :( But it sounds like you made a smart decision for your long-term running health. Plus you have some awesome races up ahead too!

  8. Sorry to hear you have to change up your plans. You are making the right, and smart, decision, though of course it's incredibly difficult. I'm proud of you for listening to your body and knowing that, in the long run, delaying your ultra is the best thing for you and your running.

  9. Sounds like the right choice - you have to look at the long term of your running health. Get your body right & your year & ultimately the ultra will be a much better experience for you!!!! Looking forward to continuing (don't want to use the word) journey (but cant think of a better one!!!


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