What Did I Just Do?!

I just clicked "Register" for my first ULTRA marathon! AAAHH!!! 

I've been talking about how I was ready to dip my toe in the ULTRA marathon world.  My injury set me back some, and I've been in a funk. Anxiously awaiting to get back to where I was physically this summer.  
What better way to get out of a funk? Sign up for a new race, or for a new distance.  So I signed up for my first Ultra! 

I'm excited. But also now thinking... WHAT DID I JUST DO?!  I've had plenty of people recommend this race for "ultra beginners". But look at this elevation!

The race is called the Crown King Scramble 50k.  So no, I'm not jumping straight into the 50-miler just yet. It's only a few miles over a full marathon... so that part doesn't scare me.  It's the elevation.  How is this for beginners?!

However, the date lined up perfectly.  It's a month after I hope to PR in the Phoenix Half-Marathon. So my training will be in full swing (injury free I hope). It also is right before it starts to get hot again in Arizona, so that's a big plus.  And right before my birthday.. and it was my goal to get in my first ultra before my next birthday.  So I took a deep breath and hit that register button!

Aravaipa Running puts on the race and I've worked with them behind the scenes and know that they put on a good race. Here's a preview video of the course:

Among the rest of my running adventures, I'll be sharing My Ultra Running Journey so stay tuned for the pain, the fun, and the challenge!  And I really hope, that if all goes well, I'll be continuing the journey on to a 50 miler by the end of 2015! :)

I needed to light a fire under my butt for some motivation and well... I can already feel the flames!


  1. So excited for you! I can't wait to welcome you to the 50k club! That elevation though.... I agree, how is that a good one for beginners? You'll do great though!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I know, so steep! But maybe it's the huge after party that everyone raves about... nonetheless stay tuned for the adventure! :)

  2. Yay! You'll do great. I can't wait to follow your training journey.

  3. Thanks! I appreciate it and the training and adventure will definitely be exciting!

  4. Congrats on registering for your first Ultra! That's super exciting and I'm sure will help motivate you. I'm impressed already :)

  5. super exciting!! can't wait to hear all about it :-)


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