Before, During, and After with Clif Bar

No doubt you've seen these everywhere. From the grocery store to your local run shop. But how do they stand up to everything else on the market?  These are my Cliff Bar Confessions! 

Thanks to BibRave, I received whole box full of goodies. Clif Bar minis, Luna protein bars, and Shot Bloks energy chews. And although I accepted them in exchange for a review, all opinions 
represented here are my still own. 


Clif Bars are very popular everywhere.  You can even find them at gas stations.  Usually seperate, or in whole boxes and in a variety of flavors.  The box I received was a "variety" of the mini versions.  The pic above is my favorite flavor of them all: White Chocolate Macadamia Nut.  It's heaven.

Usually you can choose to have a Cliff Bar whenever you'd like: before, during, or after a run.  I prefer to have mine before.  Typically though, Cliff Bar can sit heavy on your stomach and so they're not my first choice.

However, the Minis are perfect! They're just enough to fill you up but not too much to leave you with a "over full"/heavy filling.  They're also small enough that if you did choose to have them during a long run, they'd easily fit into your flip belt, hydration pack, etc.


I've used Shot Bloks before.  They're energy chews.  Think of them just like GU, except small "blocks". What I like about the Shot Bloks it gives you the option to only have one or two as I need it. Have you ever tried to just have HALF a GU? Yeah, pretty difficult. 

This flavor was new to me, tropical punch.  My favorite is actually margarita.  May not sound appetizing but the extra salt in the margarita is perfection during a really long, hot run!

The down side of shot bloks?  I tend to want to eat them like candy.  But at least that gives you motivation to go run! :) 


I saved my gluten free, Luna protein bars for after my run.  Chocolate Coconut Almond... I mean come on, that's just downright sinful! Best to use it as a "treat" for after logging a few miles!

Now they're supposed to be "nutrition bars for women". Okay. I looked up the nutrition value, mostly calcium, vitamin D, Iron and Folic Acid. And about 190 calories a bar.  I guess the only thing I could find how it was more for women was the protein was mostly from Soy versus Whey.

These tasted just like an Almond Joy candy bar! Maybe that's why it was "for women"... they were just wanting to hog the good stuff! :P  And I didn't suddenly have any urges to go watch The Notebook, so it's all good. All jokes aside, their website says it's perfectly fine for men to eat, so guys don't be shy, these bars are awesome!

One of the best things about all of these products, you can easily find them at everywhere from the grocery store to your local run shop. I've even seen Shot Bloks at target! Overall, I'd highly suggest Clif Bar to anyone looking for fuel before, during, or after their runs.

I also highly recommend following Clif Bar on Instagram, Facebook, and even Twitter because they're always posting awesome, motivating pics like this one!



  1. I LOVE the chocolate coconut Clif bars. Anytime I travel I make sure to have them as back up and they've saved my behind before. They are the best.

  2. I am madly in love with Clif Margarita Shot Bloks too! I refuse to share that flavor with my kids though. They ARE under 21!


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