Sharing the Nuun Love

I love Nuun.  And wanted to share that love with my friends...
 AND with you!  

I've been using Nuun (pronounced "noon") for a few years now as part of my routine.  Especially during marathon training.  I first came across it at a Rock N Roll race expo and realized my local grocery store even carried a few tubes.  

Nuun is an electrolyte tablet for pre or post race hydration.  I've even taken in a seperate bottle DURING my long runs, a huge help during hot summer training.  It's fizzy, tastes great, comes in a wide variety of flavors, and is inexpensive.  

They come in regular, all day (less fizzy and provides vitamins and electrolytes for 'all day' hydration), and energy (contains caffeine for a pre-race boost). My favorite is Nuun-energy, because I'm a caffeine addict. Also because... wild berry!  

Nuun-energy also is available in cherry limade, my ALL TIME FAVORITE! :) I even enjoy keeping a tube of Nuun-energy at work for a mid-day pick me up and to hydrate before an evening run/workout. 

But I can sit here and write how much I love Nuun all day.  I don't want to do that. I want to show you how I shared the #NuunLove to prove just how much people enjoy it!

My run group, #RunEatTweetAZ, had a "Nuun Tasting" after a hot and long desert run.  We tried out the flavors Strawberry Lemonade, Lemon-Lime, and the Nuun All Day flavor Blueberry Pomegranate.  

The results were mixed.  Some preferred the Nuun All Day because it was less fizzy. Other runners loved the taste of lemon-lime, comparing it to sprite.  A few others, along with myself, were stuck on the strawberry lemonade.  Overall, Nuun was a hit!

Still not convinced? How about we hear from some of my BibRavePRO buddies!  

*Full Disclosure* 
All of us BibRavePROs were provided with a box of Nuun to review, but the thoughts and opinions in these reviews (including mine) are our own and we were not compensated for the reviews. 

Many of us received different flavors and had different things to say about each one!

I love the little bit of fizz and the light flavor of it. It's not harsh, and it doesn't leave a weird taste in my mouth. None of that super sugary taste because there's no sugar! Ther's also no carbs, and it's packed with electrolytes. 

It works. Quenches thirst after a hard run and keeps you hydrated during a 12 miler, that I ran as a long run. But here's what's important to ME: It didn't aggravate my GI tract.

This is an amazing hydration product, and I know people have lots of different ways that they use it; at Nike, Nuun had a card in their booth that included the tables in cocktail recipes! Since it works differently for everyone, here's an idea of how I use Nuun

I've been using Nuun since I started training with my running club in 2011. They put our water and Nuun at all of our water stops on our long runs. Here are my favorite flavors

What I can say is that it definitley helped me to re-hydrate and stay hydrated post long rusn and even just in general.  It's also important to me that it does not have any sugars and each tap is 7-9 calories. 

After reading everyone's reviews, having my run group take the taste test, and trying out all the Nuun flavors myself... I believe it's safe to say Nuun is.. AWESOME! They also have individual tabs you can try if you're not wanting to commit to "a whole tube".  

You can find Nuun online.  Or at your local run shop (and some grocery stores carry limited flavors). Also, find Nuun Hydration on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram because they're always sending out discount codes and deals to their followers! 

Have YOU ever tried Nuun? What flavor or version do you think you'd like the most? 


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