M80 Roller Review and GIVEAWAY

I've always had a love/hate relationship with foam rollers. After being introduced to the M80 roller, it's now more of a love/love! 

Thanks to #RunEatTweetAZ, I received the chance to put the M80 Roller to the test! For a quick overview of this roller, that claims to be "Revolutionizing Rolling in Style", here's a fun video! 

M80 Final Video from Chris Goodwin on Vimeo.

Also, a big thanks to ladies of #RunEatTweetAZ, who helped me model these awesome rollers! Zucchini Runner, AZ Sun Goddess, Go Fast Mommy, and Melissa Mosley.

So does M80 Roller live up to the hype? I say YES! Most foam rollers are just that...*foam* and they always "give" when trying to work out sore muscles. But NOT the M80 Roller.

The M80 Roller is all about the deep tissue massage. It's hard as a rock and brutal... but when you're trying to work out kinks from a long run or release tight spots, you NEED something that will dig deep. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't necessarily hurt WORSE than a regular foam roller. It just has no give, which means when you find that tight spot, this roller finds it and releases it!

The other thing I really love about these rollers are the fun colors! Us runners love our bright colors and fun designs and M80 Roller knows it!
Photo Courtesy: Facebook.com/M80Roller
I received the CAMO roller (far left) 

Besides the great colors and the deep tissue massage, these rollers are just overall AWESOME! The run about $40 online, but are worth every penny. (http://m80roller.com/shop/)

There are 3 actual versions of the rollers. The "regular" roller/is your standard size, 15" long. The "extreme" is smaller in diameter but longer in length, 30". And finally there's the "grenade", small at 6" but perfect for tossing in a bag for those race-cations!

Now on to the GIVEAWAY! #RunEatTweetAZ is giving away *FIVE* rollers! One Grenade, One Extreme, and Three Regular rollers. One winner every day THIS WEEK!

To ENTER, just head on over to the

Good Luck and even if you don't win, I highly suggest a M80 Roller!


  1. Happy to get my roll on with #RunEatTweetAZ!

    1. Thanks for the help and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  2. Great review -- I LOVE that video! And so many colors! I love my purple one. :)

  3. http://antisocialbutterflying.blogspot.com/

  4. Suffering From Muscle Soreness? Guerin Massage Roller solves all your muscle problems. Guerin Massage Roller is a 'stiff' stick, which allows you to reach all muscle groups of arms, head, neck, waist, shoulders, back, legs, and feet. Thinking what else it does? Just have a look! Recovers Tired Muscles Reduces after Exercise Soreness. Increase Circulation of your Body. Treats Knots and Sports Injuries. Eliminate the Trigger Points and Tightness in your Muscles. Warm up before Workout to Prevent Injury from Do myofascial release without paying a physical therapist.


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