Sunglasses Showdown: Rudy Project Shades Review

Disclaimer: I received a pair of Rudy Project-Rydon Impactx-2 shades to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews! All opinions are my own.

Shades are essential on my desert runs. But does a pricey pair make a difference? I compare my last sunglasses review experience to this one for the ultimate analysis!

First off, the Rudy Project Rydon Impactx-2 are amazing! And I'm NOT just saying that because I reviewed them? Here's just a few reasons why I love them:
  • Transition Lenses! They Start out clear, and turn into badass shades as the sun comes out. I love being able to wear my sunglasses when the sun's not out and not have to worry about packing them away. Super sexy feature!  
  • Lightweight and Durable. These are the lightest pair of shades I've ever worn! Weighing 0.88oz, they may sound fragile but they're super durable! To quote from the website they're made of a "carbonium frame" and "aerospatial aluminum alloy temples" to create one of a kind shades!
  • Warranty. These shades come with a 3-year product warranty against any basic defects. They also have a Lens Warranty where you can replace any scratched or damaged lenses for cheap. Pretty great that a company would do all that. Means they believe strongly in their product and stand behind it. 

Now for the comparison. Recently I also tested out shades from XX2i. How do they compare to the Rudy Project? Here's my breakdown.

It basically boils down to price. The Rudy Project shades run over $100, while the XX2i shades are $60 or over. And I honestly can tell the difference in the more expensive pair.

Although pricey, I consider them an investment for runners, much like a pair of running shoes. The Rudy Project shades are so durable, that I feel they will last me a lifetime's worth of runs, races and adventures! I would highly recommend looking into Rudy Project and adding it to your Christmas Wishlist! 

Have any questions/feedback on Rudy Project or XX2i? Ask me in the comments below and I'll follow up! Thanks for reading and happy running!


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