Run, Eat, Tweet! AZ Social Meet-Up

Today was the inaugural meeting of Arizona's "Run, Eat, Tweet"!  A social meet-up/run for local runners with a social media problem.  Or is it the other way around? ;-)

We met up at South Mountain to start our run by 6:30.  It was already blazing hot!  But we're desert runners, we're pretty tough!

Introductions weren't awkward, it just took a few moments to learn everyones REAL names... instead of our instagram handles. LOL.

We took off at everyones own pace, and it was a loop run, so as people got in the distance they wanted, they could turn around or push on.  And of course, we did what all social runners do.... snapped tons of fun pics and selfies! :)

We also swapped our own running stories, future goals, upcoming races, fueling advice.... all the topics we've bonded through with social media, but was ten times better in person.

Three of us insane runners decided to do the full loop, and by the end we were hurting for sure.  Guess we can only be so tough before the heat takes it's toll!


After we'd all finished, we had to re-fuel.  Aka, EAT ALL THE FOOD! We swung by U.S. Egg for some awesome omelets and protein pancakes.  Chit-chatted around the table and did the one thing social media doesn't allow us to do... share our stories face to face.

All in all it was an awesome time getting to know everyone, and I can't wait to do it again.  We hope to continue meeting once a month, running a different route each time.. and gathering more Arizona runners along the way! If you're interested, you can check out our FB group page HERE, or just drop me a message!

If you'd like to follow the awesome Run, Eat, Tweet crew... I've listed their instagram handles below!

I look forward to many more adventures with these runners who are quickly on the way to becoming good friends already! :)


@ zucchinirunner


  1. Fun! Having met some of you in person, I can only imagine this will always be a super fun tweet up!

    1. You'll have to join us sometime! :) So much fun and we've only had ONE so far!

  2. I want an invite next time. Jessica @ @sweatismysanityblog on Instagram. :) Looks way fun!!

    1. Absolutley! I see you joined our FB group, We'll post a lot there about upcoming meet-ups and what not. And then just promote it on Instagram. Look forward to havin' ya join us!

  3. Found your blog through Helly and let me just say that I LOVE this idea!! So cool!

    1. It was tons of fun! And a great way to meet local, like-minded "social" runners!

  4. This was so much fun! Thanks for organizing the first ever Run, Eat, Tweet up! I'm definitely looking forward to many more. What a fun and friendly bunch of people. :)

    1. No problem! Definitley can't wait for more meet-ups in the future too! Great company!


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