Mid-March Madness

It's going to be a busy week of blogging... but LOTS of great stuff is on the way.  Let me give you a preview of what's ahead!

First off, I'll be running the Color Fun Fest 5K this Saturday.  It's a NIGHTtime color run with paint, disco lights, glow sticks, the works. Plus, it goes to some great local charities! I'll be taking tons of pics for a full race review on this EPIC run.  I'm really excited and I hope to bring you just as Epic of a post afterwards!

Next up, I'll be participating in a Blog Swap through the I'm Fit Possible community.  My blog-swap partner is Jill who blogs at Fitness, Health and Happiness (http://jillconyers.com/).  She's got a great blog and she'll be doing a little "takeover" here on my site very soon and I'll be posting over on her blog!  I'll post little bio on Jill before the Blog Swap so you can learn a little more about her.  Until then, check out her sight! It's pretty great.

Besides these exciting posts/reviews coming up very soon... I'll be starting my Ragnar Trail Relay training with my team.  We have some training runs scheduled in both Flagstaff AND the Grand Canyon so stay tuned in the near future for some great posts on that as well. 

Lots of excitement to come so stay tuned!  In the meantime, Happy Running everyone!!  What exciting plans do YOU have lined up??



  1. I can't wait to see how this whole blog swap thing plays out!

    1. Me too! Going to be a great experience! Can't wait!


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