Rants and Raves

A little Rants and Raves for you today!  But to keep things positive, let's start with the RAVE this time! :)

I'm officially signed up for the Ragnar Trail Relay-Snowmass!  It's going to be AMAZING!  An all day and night relay with beautiful scenery, camping, comradery with fellow runners around the bonfire, and a great challenging course.  Wanna check it out?  Here's their website: http://ragnartrail.com/locations/snowmass-co

My team name is "Fast and Fabulous"... which is pretty much us in a nutshell. LOL.  I'll start hitting the trails to train on some tough terrain this weekend!  Race isn't until June so I've got a bit, but no time like the present!

Also, I've taking it easy after my Marathon PR, but it's time to kick things back into gear!  I'm still participating in the Run This Year Challenge (2,014km this year).  And they have the perfect monthly challenge to help motivate me back into the training game!  An instagram challenge! One pic a day every day with a different theme.  Be sure to follow me on instagram (@runner_blogger_az) if you don't already for some awesome pics to come! And feel free to join me on the challenge so you can share some great pics as well!
Now time for a little RANT to let off some steam.  I recently read this article about *ANOTHER* runner being hit by a car.

 It's very disturbing because this happens all the time.  I've lost count of the number of times I've been running on a very popular running path, and nearly been hit by cars pulling in/out of driveways.  I'll look right into the drivers side window, see the driver not even GLANCE my way... and pull right out in front of me.  Same thing when running in heavy traffic areas. I always wait for the "walk" light to give me the go-ahead before crossing a traffic light... but nevertheless, someone making a turn will nearly plow right over me. 

I also wear a reflective vest AND lights if I run at night.  I try to take every precaution out there, but still drivers act like I'm a nuisance on the road!  Granted, yes, it should be every runner's responsibility to pay attention to traffic and their surroundings... but the same rules apply to drivers. 

If you have a friend or family member that's oblivious to runners on the road, please, take the time to explain the dangers.  All I ask is to share the road, be aware of your surroundings, and let's do our best to prevent accidents before they happen!

Now that I've gotten my rants and raves off my chest... how about YOU? Anything you want to give a shout out about or have a rant and want to let off some steam?  Give it a go below!  And Happy Running!


  1. I ran Hood to Coast last summer! What a fun, unique experience! Enjoy Ragnar, I'm sure it'll be a blast!


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