Vanquish Energy Gel Review

So even though I haven't had a chance to run lately (dang Plantar Fasciitis!) I at least have been doing more hiking and walking.  I was contacted by Cardiostrong to test out their Vanquish energy gels and put them to the test!

I was super excited about both flavors. Caramel Apple AND Raspberry!  How awesome is that? 
Now, I noticed the Raspberry didn't have any caffeine in it.  Meanwhile the Caramel Apple had 
50 mg (that's 30g more than a regular GU energy gel).

I'm ALL about the caffeine so Caramel Apple was my first try. 

I have to say this stuff was delicious!  And it didn't seem to upset my stomach like GUs tend to.  Don't get me wrong, I love my GUs. But I've been searching for something that won't upset my stomach after downing 4-6 during a race.

Later, I tried the raspberry.  Good, but definitely nothing compared to the caramel apple! 

They're basically the same thing as GU. So what's the difference? Vanquish is made with Ursolic Acid, a natural compound found in apple skins and rosemary. Here's a study from the University of Iowa on the benefits of Ursolic Acid (LINK).  

Besides Ursolic Acid, there's a few other ways Vanquish Gel compares to all the others out there. Take a look at the following chart to see how they stack up!

Click Photo to enlarge.
Price-wise they cost about the same as GU.  But follow them on social media to catch their discounts if you're interested.  (Twitter and Instagram: @cardiostrong)

Or you can check out their website:

Now, full disclosure... I didn't get to test them out during normal running/training.  So I'm not sure just how well they'd hold up for that.  But they definitely worked for the moderate activity I was doing.  I'd like to continue looking for alternative fuel sources for training, but once I'm back in the game I'll definitely give these another go.  


  1. Caramel Apple and Raspberry both sound delicious! I'm usually not big on gels (I'm weird with textures), but they sound too good to pass up at least trying :) Hope you're healing up well!


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