Super Bowl Suffering and Exciting News!

People ask me a lot "do you ever have 'bad' runs"?  The answer is yes, absolutely.  If you only ever have easy runs, you're not doing it right.  My long run yesterday, was anything but fun or easy.  It was  a 20-miler, so I knew going in that it wasn't going to be a piece of cake.  But I also knew I'd pull through.
  However, what I wasn't anticipating was the fact I was still getting over my cold and I was zapped of all energy.  My pace was super slow but I was determined to finish my goal.
 By mile 17, I thought my knees would buckle. By mile 18, everything ached and was seizing. By mile 19, I was near tears.  But by golly I made it to 20! The pic snapped of me a few weeks ago is only partially what I must of looked like chugging along on the canal!
  Luckily, I had a friend running with me for the last really tough part (15 miles worth in fact).  Had it not been for him I might still be out there trying to finish.
  I've ran this distance plenty, but it was an "off" day.  Every runner has them.  Whether it's during a speed workout or unfortunately during a long run.  Nevertheless, I suffered through and am not letting it get me down.  I'll use my disappointment in the run to fuel my motivation this week.
  The good thing that came out of all that?  It was Super Bowl Sunday!! So that meant I could pig out and have an excuse. And you can bet your @$$ I helped myself to an extra brownie or three!
  This weekend will be my 22 miler.  Will it be as tough as yesterday's run? I would hope not but the only thing to do is get out there and see what I'm made of!

  Now for the EXCITING NEWS!  I submitted an entry into a contest through the   San Francisco Marathon I'll be running in July.  Seven winners will be chosen to have lunch with BART YASSO! Most of you probably already know who this legend is amongst the running community.
If not, look him up and you'll understand why I'm star struck.

Anyway, BREAKING NEWS... I'm one of the winners!! I'll be dining with Bart Yasso himself come July! How awesome is THAT?! Can you tell that I'm excited? lol.

 I'm so stoked to have this opportunity.  And of course, I'm going to blog about the experience and share everything with you.  So let me ask, if you could ask only one question of Bart, what would it be?  I'll try to take some of your best questions to him!

  Happy Running everyone and remember to keep pushing through the tough runs so you can make it to the good ones! :)


  1. I see you have the Phoenix marathon on your schedule as well! Have you run it before? This will be my first time there. Getting excited for that downhill course!

    1. It's my first time running that course as well! The downhill is definitely exciting... Hoping it'll help me PR! Are you running the full or half?

  2. Bart Yasso - I am so jealous! Please ask him how can a runner that always runs/ races poorly in the heat improve their performance in those conditions.

    1. Oh defintiely on that one! I suffer from the same thing! Getting up at 4am to try to do a 20 miler in 110 degrees is rough! But Bart Yasso did the Badwater Marathon so he should have some great suggestions!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I wish I could run 20 miles! My longest run at my peak last year was 6 miles, and now I'm trying to work myself back up to it. Thanks for the inspiration :)

    1. One mile at a tme! You'll get there. It takes a while but it's not quite as rough as you think. I've had similar "bad run" experiences on anything as short as a three miler... just all part of training! Good luck with your running! LMK how it goes!


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