Tapering Tips

The countdown to the Phoenix Full Marathon is on! Just a few days out and that means I've been tapering big time.  A lot of friends have asked what I do during my taper (i.e. what I eat, how long/hard I run, etc.)  so I thought I'd list a few tapering tips that I like to stick to during the crucial days leading up to a race.

  • Stay Hydrated.  I drink plenty of water throughout the week. Definitely no alcohol.  Lately, I've been adding in some Cocogo to my routine hydration. Not JUST because I'm an ambassador for this product, but also because it tastes great and doesn't upset my sensitive stomach!

  • Stay Active.  Now that doesn't mean go run 12 miles three days away from a race.  Nor does it mean running to a track for a last-minute speed workout.  I stick to light workouts like moderate weight lifting or a little cross-training.  The light activity will help calm the "oh-my-gosh-I-need-to-go-run-now" nervousness.
  •  Stretch It Out.  I'll do a little Yoga, and use my foam roller and sticks to keep tight muscles loose and really work out any kinks or "problem areas". 

  • Eat!  Do we really need an excuse to EAT? Not me! lol. But moderation is key.  It's a good idea to eat proper servings, but I'll add in a little extra carbs in the week leading up to the race.  Trying to cram all my carb-loading into the night before will only leave me in a food coma at the start!

  • Plenty of Rest.  I make sure to go to bed early every night at least every night the week prior to a big race.  Let's face it, the night before none of us can sleep well.  Whether it's the pre-race jitters or the extremely early race starts... it's best to bank some extra hours in bed so our bodies aren't deprived come race day!
Only a few more days left before Race Day!  Keep it here for a full race review of what I can only hope will include an awesome PR! :)  In the meantime, share with me some Tapering Tricks you like to stick to down below!  Happy Running!!


  1. Another Insta takeover? You did such an absolutely AMAZING job with the last one! Let me know! Cheers, Tara xo

    1. Absolutley! I'd be willing to do another takeover! I'll definitley be more tired afterwards, but it would help motivate me towards another PR! :D

  2. great tips! good luck with your marathon.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! Looks like it's going to be a WET one! It rarely rains in Phoenix and of course it's set to pour on Race Day! lol. oh well, at least it won't be too warm! Thanks again and happy running!


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