The Liebster Award

I'm honored to have been nominated TWICE for the Liebster Award!  The two wonderful ladies and amazing bloggers who nominated me are:
Rachel from 
and Ashley from

So, what's a Liebster Award?  It's an award given to bloggers by bloggers!  Pretty cool concept!
Basically, you nominate fellow "up and coming" bloggers in order to help them gain more readers and get more exposure.  I'm so thankful for the two ladies who nominated me!  Rachel and Ashley have some really awesome blogs and I highly suggest you check 'em out! 
It's kind of a "pay it forward" among bloggers (as Rachel put it). And so I'm excited to jump in on the fun!  Here's the general rules:
  • Thank the blogger who presented the award and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 10 questions the blogger asked of you.
  • Nominate 10 different bloggers.
  • Ask 10 different questions to the nominees.
Now since I was nominated by TWO bloggers at the same time, I received *TWENTY* questions!  I'm sure that's probably WAY too much for any reader to want to scroll through right now, so I've decided to combine the first five questions from Rachel, and the second half of Ashley's questions. 
Rachel's Questions:
1. What is your sport or fitness activity of choice?  
Running! It's honestly probably the only ones I'm even decently good at. LOL
2. Wine, beer, or liquor?  
Depends on the occasion.  If celebrating with friends--Liquor.  BBQ or Camping--Beer.  If at a nice dinner--Wine.
3. Where are you from, and what do you love about your city?
Currently I live in Phoenix, AZ.  It may be hot here in the desert during the summer, but the REST of the year when everyone is complaining about snow... we're running in perfect weather! Also, it's a very "active" city.  Tons of people who cycle, run, swim, or all three! It's easy to make running friends here and I love it!
4. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging for a creative outlet, and to share my stories with friends, family, and anyone who wanted to listen.  I've had friends come up to me, ask me about all aspects of my running.  My family too.  So I figured, why not share my adventures with everyone, get creative, and maybe inspire someone along the way!
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I've considered Denver just because of all the mountains and how active the city is.  However, I'm a wuss when it comes to cold and snow.  So we'll have to see about that.  Otherwise, I'd say maybe the Bay area (San Fran).  Mostly when I consider where I want to live, it's based on how active the population is (running/athletic wise) and how many great places there are to run!  You could say my running priorities are very high. Haha.
Ashley's Questions:
6. Who was your first celebrity crush? 
 Oh... that's tough.   Hmmm.. I'd have to say Angelina Jolie.  I was a huge fan of Lora Croft. LOL.
7. What exercise do you despise doing the most? 
I'd have to say Lifting! I'd rather go run 10 miles then go lift for 45 minutes.  Although that's the only way I will ever have even an ounce of muscle so I force myself to do it at least twice a week.
8. What is your absolute dream job?  
Right now I work in promotions for a local TV news station.  I'm good with staying in "the biz". But would love to one day be a Race Director for a local race on the side. Definitely achievable!
9. What is your favorite quote?  
"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that." 
 -Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder
10. What have you learned about yourself through blogging? 
I've learned that even the smallest of my achievements can help inspire someone else.  And there are many other bloggers out there that even I can aspire to be like.  So we are all one big community of inspirational athletes... amateurs, but that's fine... because if WE can achieve something... so can you!
 Now, it's time for me to Nominate some other bloggers for the Liebster Award!  So many great, amazing blogs and bloggers alike out there... but I'll choose ten that I follow that I think you should check out as well!

The Nominees Are:











Here are your questions!  Make sure to have fun and nominate others!  Pay it forward to your fellow bloggers!!

Nominee Questions:

1.  Tell us what your blog is about! 
2.  What made you want to start blogging?
3.  What's your favorite way to stay active?
4.  If you could have dinner with ONE person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
5.  Waffles or Pancakes?  Favorite topping?
6.  One guilty pleasure of yours after a tough workout/run.
7.  What's one fitness activity you haven't tried, or don't do often, that you'd like to try?
8.  If you could only eat ONE thing for the rest of your life... what would it be?
9.  Describe your dream vacation.
10.  Link to your favorite blog post!


  1. Loved reading your answers. Congrats on TWO nominations! ;) My whole family lives in PHX. Next time I'm in town we should put in a few miles together!

    -Rachel @

    1. Thanks for the nomination! Was a blast! And definitley, the next time you're going to be in PHX give me a shout! I LOVE making new running friends and the best time to get to know each other is putting in some mileage together!

  2. Hi Jeremy, I am super late to seeing your nomination...thank you SO much!! I will have to get on this over the weekend!!


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