Weekend Review

What an awesome weekend!  Some of the most fun I've had in a long time!  First off, a little "break" from the running for one day, but still a fun day!
Me, David, and Janie
I celebrated my bday, the bf's bday, and my pup's bday all in one big birthday bash out at the park!  They all fall within a few days of each other so why not use that as an excuse to throw a pig party for my friends AND their dogs!  

The BBQ was complete with Booze for the humans, and a cake just for Janie's furry playmates!  I couldn't ask for a better birthday celebration, and we've decided to make it a birthday tradition from now on!  

Okay, okay... NOW for the running.   My Ragnar Trail team met for our first team training run together.  Two additional friends met us to join in the torture... er.. I mean "fun".  We hit some tough trails to get our legs ready for the terrain.  There were plenty of hills, rocks, and lots of heat!  

We ended up only doing about 8 miles, but it was a rough run.  Nevertheless, rough is what we needed to prepare us for the real toughness ahead.  We'll be running Ragnar Trail-Snowmass, up in Colorado.   A relay between 8 runners.  Each one of us will run 3 loops of about 5 miles each.  A total of 15 miles.  Not too bad, except it's got some MAJOR elevation.  We'll be starting at about 8,000ft!  Yikes!

So we've got some more tough training runs ahead, but nonetheless, doing it as a team brings us close running friends even closer together and makes the rough runs that more enjoyable.  
Lots of UPness!
We took an "oscar-style" selfie atop the mountain during the run.

Lots to tackle this week and weekend, but with two fun and adventurous days under my belt, it makes the tasks ahead not seem so unattainable!  

So tell me, are YOU training for anything? What race or goal is next on your list? Share 'em below!  

Thanks for reading and happy running!


  1. Happy Birthday to all three of you!! Looks like you had a fab day. That trail run looks tough!! Good luck for the event!!

    1. Thanks and be sure to stay tuned for all the pics from Ragnar. It's up in ASPEN so the number of selfies I will be snapping atop the mountain will be limitless. LOL.

  2. Happy bday to all! I am in love with the family photo of you all in your birthday hats!

  3. That race looks pretty tough with all the UPness! :-) And happy birthday to y'all! I don't think selfies will ever be the same after Ellen's Oscar one...lol

    1. thanks and yeah, the selfies are taking the world by storm! So I figure, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!!

  4. I love birthdays and I LOVE the cute pics in this post -- happy birthday!!

    1. thanks and I'll try to keep the cute pics coming! lol


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