JJ100-A Social Media Adventure!

I'm so excited for tomorrow! I'll be helping behind the scenes, live-tweeting from the Javelina Jundred 100 Ultra! My group, #RunEatTweetAZ, is part of the social media team for Aravaipa Running.

We'll be covering the event on Twitter, Instagram, etc. If you want to keep track of all the action live, follow @aravaiparunning!

It's an amazing opportunity not only to get a look behind the scenes, but also a chance to meet and be inspired by some top ultrarunners from across the globe!

Photo courtesy: Facebook/AravaipaRunning

I will bring you tons of pics on my own twitter and instagram, so be on the look out for them! And of course, I'll a full write-up of the adventure here on the blog afterwards.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!  What race/runs to YOU have planned?


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