Anticipation of Anguish

Running an 18-miler this weekend!  It's going to be tough but it's all part of the thrill!  On one of my previous posts, I answered a lot of questions from friends and family about my running.  I received lots of great comments and positive feedback on that one, so I thought I'd answer another big question a lot of people ask about my really long runs.


Well, I mostly stick to the basics.  But here's my typical checklist:
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Eat a carb and protein loaded meal.  (such as pasta with chicken and broccoli)
  • Make sure to eat early, no later than two hours before bed.
  • Do some light stretching. I'll use my foam roller to loosen up my tight IT band, and lately I've been doing a little light yoga as well.  So far, that's been really helping.
  • Go to bed early!!
    (This is a big one.  I know you don't want to take away from your social life, and your friends can be really persuading.... i.e. "come on, just one more beer!"  But the biggest part of training is learning to balance those fun nights out with decent training runs.  Just tell your friends you'll party with them the next night to celebrate your victorous long run!)
photo courtesy: Andrea Dittmer

Sidenote: No ones wants their training to eat into time with friends, but running can also help you MAKE new friends, or even develop stronger relationships with ones you already have! Invite friends to go out on a run with you (and pancakes afterwards is always awesome!) or join a running group! This way you don't feel isolated everytime you go out pounding the pavement!  I love running with my friends. It helps to pass the time and it always gives me an excuse to stuff my face afterwards!

Also, an update for you, I'm really enjoying the Run This Year challenge (running 2,014km in 2014)!
It's exciting knowing so many other runners out there are taking on the same challenge as me
(and some runners the much harder challenge of 2014 MILES)!
I'm trying to interact with those runners on twitter and on facebook.
If you're part of the Run This Year challenge as well, hit me up! (Twitter: @runblogaz )
Or if you just want to chat, follow me as well!

Hope everyone's 2014 goals are going great!  Who else is doing a really long run this weekend?

(here's a little motivation for you that I keep pinned to my wall!)

I've got a special treat for you FEMALE readers coming up soon so stay tuned!

Happy Running and Thanks for reading!


  1. Ohhh what's the special treat? ha ha Great check list! I like the bit about finding new friends or strengthening the relationships with the friends that you have!

    1. I'll go ahead and "spill" the surprise. LOL. My co-worker, local news anchor who's ran Boston tons of times and races alike, has agreed to do a little Q&A with me! I wanted to get a little female perspective on running, get her to spill some of her training secrets, and really "Tell it like it is". Stick around, I hope to make it entertaining and eduactional. LOL. Thanks for reading!

  2. I came across your blog on Miles to Blog. I like your positivity, it definitely is inspiring! Congrats on a successful 2013! I ran Hood to Coast, but on a team of twelve. I can't imagine running double the mileage in the same amount of time! By my third run I felt like I was dreaming. Are you training for a marathon right now? I have a 14 miler on Sunday, not too long, however we're supposed to get a blizzard so I may have to run it on the treadmill. I've never run more than 9 miles indoors so it should be interesting (more like, incredibly boring).

    1. Thanks! I'll have to check out your blog as well! Hopefully I'll keep you entertained enogh for a return visti. ;-) I'm training for a full in March, but have a half-marathon in a few weeks. Busy running year! I heard all about the blizzard ya'll are getting... it's a balmy 77 here today... and all weekend. lol. But when it's 117+ here, I'm pretty sure YOU will be the one laughing! #hellishheat Happy Running and good luck on that 14-miler! Let me know how it goes!

  3. This is the first time hearing about the run this year challenge. I will have to look into it. Thanks for the tips, I already know I need to work on getting more sleep. lol.

    1. Getting Sleep is always just as tough as tackling the long runs. Definitely look up Run This Year! They even do giveaways throughout the year to keep you motivated and lots of great runners involved! Let me know how your running goes! Thanks for reading!

  4. Stopping by from RunThisYear's facebook post of your blog! Hope you have a great 18 miler! So far my longest is 14 miles...but I've got some longer ones coming up. :) Enjoy your page, and looking forward to reading those female tips from your co-worker.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and glad to know you'll be out there sweating with me! :D I just posted the Friday Feature on my co-worker, check 'em out! Happy Running and good luck this weekend!

  5. Hi Jeremy,
    I'll be running 2014 miles this year plus 14 half marathons and 1 full. I'll hit you up on twitter and we can help motivate each other. I'm @googlejunkie. Hang in there an 18 miler will feel like a drop in the bucket pretty soon, just trust me on that one.

    1. Thanks! I've just been "out of the game" for a few months so at least I know what to expect! What time are you shooting for on the full? Definitley up to keeping each other motivated via twitter so I'll hit you up! Thanks for reading and stop by again soon! Happy Running!

  6. Looks like my check list! Good luck with the Run this Year. Maybe that's something I can aspire to next year!


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